Orthodontic Trends
The Journal of Romanian Straight-Wire Association
Bilingual journal romanian / english
Instructions for authors
The authors are fully responsible for the papers they send for publication. If the article have more than one author a letter signed by all the authors is required, letter that stipulates that they all agree with the text of the paper. The letter should also mention the fact that the text has not been published previously, has not been sent to other publications (except for the summaries) and the fact that the authors agree with the copyright (they must give up their publication rights) to "Orthodontic Trends".
Two copies of the manuscripts should be sent on a piece of paper (A4 format, with margins of minimum 25 mm). The pages should be numbered on the bottom, starting with the title page. The manuscripts which are not accepted (they present various deficiencies or they do not comply to the rule of the journal) and will not be returned to the author.
The text should be clear and concise without an excessive number of abbreviations (abbreviations should be explained the first time they appear in the text). The first page should contain the title of the paper, the first and the last name of the authors with the initial letter of the 2 nd first name, the name of the Departments and Institution where the paper was written, the name and the address of the author responsible for receiving mails for each author.
The second page should contain a abstract of maximum of 150 words (unstructured) or 250 words (structured) written as the whole manuscript, both in Romanian and English.
3 to 5 key words should be attached under the abstract, both in Romanian and English. We recommend the words proposed by Index Medicus (Medical Subject Headings Mesh) or by Medline.
The illustrations (2 copies) will be cited in the text under parenthesis (numbered with arab numbers):
a reasonable number necessary for the general understanding of the text;
dimensions: a minimum of 13 x 9 cm;
they should be numbered with a black pencil on a label placed on the verso; the direction of the illustration should be shown with a help of an arrow which indicate the upper part of the illustration;
good contrast BW of color; if you want your illustration published in color, an additional tax is required;
photos with human faces required the written agreement of the persons in question or a black stripe will be placed on the eyes in order to defend privacy;
the legend will be written an a separate piece of paper.
Linear drawings will be done with a china pencil on a high quality piece of paper and their size will not be 2 times bigger than the one of the final reproduction. Numbers, letters and symbols should be written clearly so as to remain visible after the reproduction for printing.
The tables will be presented on separate pieces of paper and will be numbered with roman numbers, in the upper part of the table; the notes will be placed under the tables. Tables and illustration should be used carefully so as to maintain a general balance in the text.
The bibliography will be placed at the end of the paper and will contain only the authors cited in the text, ordered alphabetically; the references will be cited in text under parenthesis (numbered with arab numbers).
The references should obey the Rules of the Vancouver Convention.
For articles from journals of magazines: the name of the authors, the initial letter at their last name, the complete title, the name of the journal, the year, the number of the issue, the number of the first and last page should be given.
Leitao P., Nanda R., Relationship of natural head position to craniofacial morphology . Am. J. Orth. 2000, 117: 406-417
For book references:
Faure J. Statistiques et orthopedie dento-faciale . Paris : ed. S.I.D. 2000 : 15 - 28
All these papers should be addressed to the board of the journal and should be accompanied by a floppy disk / CD that incorporates all the papers also indicating the software used for creating the files. The formats compatible IBM PC that are accepted are:
. text: Word for Windows, Font Arial or Times New Roman, size 12 pts at 1.5 lines;
. illustrations: .tif, .gif, .jpg (scanned at 300 dpi)
. tables : .xls (Microsoft Excel);
. drawing: .cdr (Corel Draw), .tif, .gif, .bmp, .jpg.
The authors are asked to keep a copy of their paper. Our journal has the right to modify the papers as far as the page setup and make up are concerned.